Why would I eat my Placenta?

It’s funny that we ask this question when I feel a better question is “Why DON’T we eat our Placenta?” considering nearly all animals eat their placenta after birth with the exception of sea animals, camels, and humans. The main concern is likely poor food handling which is why, prior to placentophagy, your placenta goes through extensive preparation that I have been trained by the BEST placenta trainers to ensure your health and safety. For this reason, I do not prepare any placentas using the “true raw” technique as there is potential for hospital contamination or unknown illness that may result in harm to the mother or newborn baby.

What are the Benefits?

Benefits have are not only nutritional but also hormonal which is part of the reason they vary so much from person to person. It is nearly impossible to have a side-by-side comparison of outcome due to the differences that are evident and guaranteed not only from one mother to the next, but also from on birth to the next. Mother’s hormones will be fluctuating by the day postpartum so gauging on a scale how a pill is affecting her mood is going to be quite the challenge for any statition. Although no benefits are guaranteed to be noticed and observed, some benefits that mothers have noticed have included:

  • Improved Mood – Less noticeable “Baby Blues” or “Postpartum Depression”
  • Less anxiety, depression and other mood disorder presentations
  • Increased Milk Production and Supply
  • Increased Maternal Energy Levels
  • Shorten Maternal Healing Time
  • Provide an overall feeling of health and wellness which is important during the perinatal transition from pregnancy to postpartum.

As you can imagine, it is important bordering on essential to reintroduce those hormones, vitamins, iron, vitamin B, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients that were in mother’s body moments ago BACK INTO her body after welcoming her new baby into the world. The hormones that were lost may be the same as those that support milk production, aid in uterine contractions, reduce hair loss, relieve hot flashes/hormonal sweats, and increase oxytocin for an overall feeling of wellness.

Despite the effects potentially being missed with your new busy, loving life; the cord keepsake will be yours to cherish and treasure as you share with others for a lifetime.

What are the Risks?

As stated, I do not practice the “true raw” method of preparation as there is potential that the mother may have become GBS+ (Group Beta Strep Positive) following the standard time of testing as well as many other potential for harmful other contractable diseases that may be passed on to mother or the new life with low immunity to fight infection.

How I Prepare Your Placenta

I prepare your placenta using the “modified raw” method of preparation, meaning that I do not steam your placenta in order to preserve the nutrient-rich qualities and benefits of your placenta prior to dehydrating at 160 degrees fahrenheit as recommended by the CDC guidelines for ground beef to ensure bacteria are killed for your “food” preparation.

For placentas that are heavily stained or for mother’s who request steaming, for personal reasons, your placenta is cleaned when received, just as in “modified raw” method, however, it is steamed prior to being dehydrated.

What are Placenta Tinctures

For the tincture add-on, you must be 21 years of age or older as it is a liquid concentrate form of your very placenta.

The benefits of the tincture are that the tincture takes time to process and “prepare,” which takes place while you are benefiting from the capsules. Once the capsules have been enjoyed, your tincture is ready to use and the benefits will last as long as you choose to use them and follow the proper storage guidelines.

How do I Obtain Your Placenta

It is as simple as your preference. I will visit your birthing location for collection and immediate refrigerated storage, or you may take the placenta to me at your convenience assuming all food preparation guidelines are strictly followed!